Charities To Help You and For You to Help
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Here are charities that support good causes.  Not all of them are specifically Catholic/Christian, but all are in line with the Roman Catholic Church's teaching. 

 Not all are asking for your money.  Some are to help people, either in a free way (i.e. your clicking a button and viewing an ad earns them money but is free for you) or is a program which may be of help to a person who visits this site or someone they know. 

So please check this page often.  This isn't just a page of places begging for your money, though those places need your help too : )

Helps low-income people get prescription medicine
Low cost or free spay/nueter programs in the US.  Please do the responsible thing: spay or neuter your cat or dog.

Society of the Little Flower (St. Therese of Liseaux) (and they have freebies you can get with your donation)
NEW: Free/reduced price dolls for those who can't afford one

Mother Ignacia National Social Apostolate Center (MINSAC)
--The Mother Ignacia National Social Apostolate Center is a social arm
of the Congregation of the Religious of the Virgin Mary that enfleshes
its mission of solidarity with the poor.




Advertise Your Charity!

It is free to advertise a charity on this page or in the newsletter.  Please e-mail me to advertise your charity.  All charities must not go against any teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.  If you aren't sure, e-mail me and we will figure it out.  Thank you.